I think there's a secret clause all hair dressers sign that states must be sweet and endearing - vital part of job. I've yet to meet an unkind hair stylist and Sarah Buchanan ( @bearbeezybeauty) is no exception. Buchanan kindly agreed to give us the scoop on getting runway models ready for a show, after all hair itself is an accessory!
Polished Practical: I’m
here with Sarah to basically get to know how it all works being a hair stylist
for a fashion show…are you faced with lots of limitations?
Sarah Buchanan: It
varies, there’s a head stylist like there is tonight who definitely does tell
us what to do. Other shows there is no limitation, they tell you do whatever
you want to do and we go right ahead and do what we want too.
PP: So for a show like
this do you practice a lot? Have you been working with the models already?
SB: I’ve never worked on
these models or done runway before. I’ve done like photo shoots. But yeh once I
find out the actual direction then I’ll normally practice just to make sure
that everything is perfect the day of a show.
PP: Are you doing hair
and make up for the Beatniks fashion show?
SB: Hair
PP: Is there a different
kind of pressure from doing makeup?
SB: No I actually think
hair styling is easier [giggles]
PP: than make up?!
SB: Yeh I do
PP: I mean I can’t do
either so…[impressed chuckle]
SB: I enjoy both!
PP: In regards to it
being a fashion show obviously you’re on crunch time right? Is the fast pace
nerve racking?
SB: It’s always nerve
wracking, always.
PP: How do you prepare
for something like that?
SB: Umm, I drink a lot of
coffee! Because then your nerves are already going. That’s about it – I kinda
just go with the flow.
PP: Ok what would happen
say you’re doing a style and it’s not quite working out but you need to get
them out onto the runway.
SB: I improvise and if I
can ask somebody for help. I’ll definitely ask. I don’t see a problem with
asking for help.
PP: Nice.
For hair in a show like this how many looks are typical?
SB: I think they’re
choosing one style well one style for long hair and one style for short hair.
PP: Oh ok [totally
expected her to say more than one here]! Do you work on all the models?
SB: I’m not too sure yet. I’m going to be told who
I’ll be working on but once we finalize the two looks that stuff will work
itself out.
PP: There’s 10 models, so
how many hair stylists are there?
SB: There’s three of us
tonight. But I think it’s going to be four of us.
PP: Do you usually work
with a head stylist or is this new for you?
SB: Normally I’m solo.
PP: This must be fun
SB: It’s fun! I love
working with different people all the time.
PP: Perfect, thanks girl